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Music Theory

Music Theory – Foundational

The Music Theory - Foundational course introduces essential concepts to build a strong theoretical base, including:

  • Reading and writing musical notation, key signatures, and symbols

  • Identifying and constructing major, minor, and modal scales

  • Understanding intervals, triads, and seventh chords

  • Mastering rhythmic patterns, time signatures, and metre

  • Analysing basic harmonic progressions and cadences in tonal music

Music Theory – Intermediate

The Music Theory - Intermediate course expands on foundational concepts, exploring:

  • Advanced harmony, including secondary dominants, augmented sixths, and complex progressions

  • Techniques for modulation and key changes, such as pivot chords and tonicization

  • Writing and analyzing counterpoint in two-voice compositions

  • Non-chord tones and advanced voice-leading techniques

  • Introduction to 20th-century theory, covering atonality, extended harmonies, and serialism

  • Analysis and composition in forms like binary, ternary, and sonata

Music Theory - Advanced

The Music Theory - Advanced course delves into the most intricate aspects of music theory, focusing on:


  • Chromatic harmony, including borrowed chords, Neapolitan chords, and chromatic mediants

  • Advanced modulation techniques, enharmonic shifts, and distant key relationships

  • Analysis of large-scale forms such as fugues, sonata-allegro, and variations

  • 20th- and 21st-century techniques like twelve-tone serialism, set theory, and minimalism

  • Writing and analysing three- and four-part counterpoint and fugues

  • Compositional techniques including motivic transformation and thematic development


This course prepares students to master complex theoretical concepts and apply them in advanced music analysis and composition.

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